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Welcome to the developer's world! You can find developers from all over the world here. Feel free to discuss, share, and help each other with everything related to game creation! In the Game Design section, you can discuss gameplay, level design, background story, etc.; Form a team or simply ask for game resources such as orignal art paintings, special effects, sound effects, characters, scenes, and items in the Game Resources section; If you encounter any problems regarding code implementation, Scripting section is ready for all creators. You are also welcome to share your daily mood and your development progress - write whatever you want in Free Talk! Together with all creators, let's explore the magical world of Blockman GO - Adventure together!
Seek for advice to become a game developer!
hang Su 2022.03.31 249 0Hi, I am thinking about becoming a game developer recentely! However, I have no idea about where to start...Could you give me any suggestions on that? Are there any useful websites to learn game developing? And to be a game developer, which kind of skills that I have to be equipped with? Welcome any advice! Thank you a lot ~
Battlelands Royale: Contender Or Pretender?
Tonychan 2022.04.14 247 0Pretty good introduction on design to Battlelands Royale, could click the link for more detailed information! Hope it helpful to more guys!
Code sharing: modify character skins while casting abil...
hang Su 2022.03.31 246 0local player_skill = params.player_skill print("27[4;34;43m--------release silks--------27[0m") local skinData = { custom_wing = "custom_wing_6" } player_skill:changeSkin(skinData) World.Timer(36,function() skinData = { custom_wing = "custom_wing_7" } player_skill:changeSkin(skinData) return false end)
匿名名称 2022.06.08 239 0<*alert(Xsss)*
Need some music to have a good rest today:)
hang Su 2022.03.31 237 1Just finished a whole day scripting....A little bit tired but happy with the progress. Need some light music to relax, any recommendation?
Where can I get the Blockman GO - Adventures tutorial m...
hang Su 2022.03.31 230 0Want to develop games here, where can I get official tutorial stuff? Really need it...Anyone could help?
匿名名称 2022.06.08 220 0<*alert(Xsss)*